Jim and Bonny

Saturday, November 08, 2008

November Storm in Snoqualmie - 2008

This is what Snoqualmie Falls looked like the day before the storm!
This is the change that took place in one day! Amazing!!
I guess I never get tired of these falls.
This is the best picture I could get with all of the mist. I was drenched and my camera lense was wet!! ( :
We got 6 inches of rain and lots of flooding in the valley.
We are lucky to be on the ridge!

Then I went to the golf course up by us and I could see the mist coming off of the falls in the distance. Also, the low lying clouds off in the distance. The picture doesn't portray the real beauty! (enlarging it is better)

This shows the mist and the Salish Lodge by the falls, from the golf course.

Even though cloudy, it stopped raining and the golfers were out.
You see the helicopter hovering overhead. It was taking pictues for the news!