The Berggren's come to Seattle - August 2008

I know Jeremy could have stayed on this ferry all day long.
So could I! So gorgeous......even in the rain!!

Jeff enjoying the view!
It looks small but was great inside.
One day after we came back home Jeremy said, "Granny, I would like to go back to Orcas again. That cabin we stayed in was soooo beautiful!" ( :
If it had been clear there is a 360 degree view and all of the islands and mountains can be viewed.
We were lucky to have partly sunny and it was still breathtaking!

Jeremy had occasion to use an Out House and thought it was great!
Top speed limit is 40 on the island and no stop lights.

(enlarge the picture if you want a view of a slug!)
A stop at Deception Pass State Park
Fun iwth the waves even if it is raining!
A shore line of Puget Sound
Jaki and Jeremy at the base of Snoqualmie Falls in the rain! Imagine that!
Climbing on the rocks was fun!

"These trees are gigantic!"
Jeremy did well with all the hikes. This one was 2 miles round trip!
Running in the COLD water on the rocks was a blast!
Granny & Jeremy

Fun!! We bought these Dungeness Crabs and took them home to eat. Yum!!
We went to the top with Lou, Granny's cousin's son, who works in the restaurant on the top!!
I spy!!
Woops....wrong picture....but Jeremy loved the zoo!!
The girafes were a favorite!

Jeff and Jeremy liked the turtle! ( :
Granny liked the Butterflies the best!

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