Connor & Bandit resting up for a big Christmas Eve ahead!!

The Star of Bethlehem!
Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Larry & Jodi hand made Grandpa Art's Medisterpolse (Danish Sausage) for a surprise for all of us! How exciting it was!!

Larry is becoming an expert at making Aebleskiver also!
We are ready to accept him into the family as an official Dane!!

Connor, Jodi, Larry, Christen

Jaki, Jeremy, Jeff

The Old Geisers!!

Little Angels!

But this is reality! ( :

Connor & Christen


All dressed up for Christmas!

Jodi, Christen and Julia Albright

Connor enjoying his Starwars book!

Aunt Jodi really knows how to pick out markers!!
They even talk!

Christen and her Buffy purse!

New cozy jams and ready for bed!
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