Thanksgiving in Minnesota 2007
This is my Mom and her sister Joy on Thanksgiving.
Joy with daughter Debe
Delpha with daughter Bonny
Sister-in-law Ina with daughter Micky.
Micky came from MT for the week.

Delpha with daughter Bonny

Micky came from MT for the week.
Chris came for Thanksgiving dinner also!
My brother Bruce P.
Mom & Dad

Dad, Mom and Pastor Shane
Neighbor Dorla, even came out to greet Mom! She is having a knee replacement December 11th and she has not been out much. We pray for good results for Dorla!
Larry and Chris
Chris and 4 boys.
We got together at Bruce and Joyce's home for a nice dinner and evening!

It was great to see Kathy & Rick!
Jo & Shirley stopped by for a visit on Monday after returning from Thanksgiving with their children. What a great time!
All good things must come to an end! We are so thankful for the wonderful week! I left Mom with a sock doll. Her Mother made these dolls for all of us and our kids!

His name is 'Hamburger'! That was the name of Bruce's doll when he was a kid!
I hope Hamburger is keeping her good company!
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