Jim and Bonny

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hike to Eunice Lake ~ September 3, 2011

Hiking along Mowich Lake enjoying the clear, green lake!

Starting out on the Isput Creek section of the Wonderland Trail we head to Eunice Lake.

The wildflowers are in full bloom due to the late spring. There is color everywhere.


The mosquitoes are also breathtaking due to the late spring..... ) :

Along the trail to Eunice Lake there are constant views of Mt. Rainier.

The higher we climb the better the views become.

Now Lake Eunice is in sight below us with Mt. Rainer in the background.

At Tolmie Peak Lookout the view of this majestic mountain is spectacular!!

We head back down the mountain...

It is hard to stop taking pictures! ( :

The trail continues.....

The meaning of Mowich Lake is "Like a Mirror"

In the morning it stands true to its name!!

The lake is like a piece of glass!


Fields of wildflowers mixed in with the pines....

You can see every stick and stone in the bottom of the lake!

There are no words to describe the beauty!

Another great hike to remember!!

Thank you WA for the great parks and trails!