Jim and Bonny

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Olivia and Jason visit Snoqualmie - August 2010

Charlie welcomed Olivia to Snoqualmie!

We drove Daddy and Bestefar to Longmire on Mt. Rainier for their 5 day hike.

Besta and Olivia stopped to see Mt. Rainier and walk on the trail. Olivia was really hoping to touch the snow but we didn't go high enough for that.

Back at home Olivia drew pictures for me.......

And she spent many hours playing at the little "red" table that I played on when I was a kid! My Bestefar built it for me! My kids played on it, then it turned white and went to college as a TV table, fish aquarium table etc. Now our grandkids enjoy it! Fun!

It was 95 degrees for 4 days....but then it cooled down and we spent the day at Remlinger Farms in Carnation, WA, a short drive form Snoqualmie.

They sell all kinds of fruits and veggies, crafts, toys and souvenirs here.
The truck was inside the store!

We took a ride on the train with a steam engine that went through a dark tunnel

There was a fire engine, school bus, and many tractors to explore.
Olivia loved it!

Then we went on to the hay maze and trampoline.
This was our favorite spot!

It was a great photo stop too!

Olivia jumped into the hay and made "hay angels!"

She threw hay into the air!

And climbed on the wall and jumped into the hay!

She crawled into the hay maze! And found her way back out!

Olivia went on every ride. When we got off of the roller coaster she said, "Besta, I want to go again but this time I want to go by myself!"
This was her first experience with an amusement park and had no fear!

Next Olivia had a pony ride on Blackberry. He was just her size.

She got off all by herself!

This farm was so geared to 4 year olds and it was a very special day for both Olivia and I!!
Thank you Remlinger Farms!!

On August 19th we drove to Mowich Lake on Mt. Rainier to pick up Bestefar and Jason!
What a beautiful lake! The pictures do not do it justice. It was breathtaking!

There were trails all around the lake to hike on. Olivia told Jason, "I just LOVE it here!"

We watched the clouds come and go. They were awesome!

The aqua glacial water was so clear we could see the bottom of the lake.

Olivia said, "I missed my Daddy!"

The wild flowers were so pretty and smelled so good!

Happy Birthday to Besta!

We were happy to find the hikers and all be back together again!

Good bye Mt. Rainier! Olivia said, "I love that mountain!"

When we got back to Snoqualmie Olivia had fun playing with all of Besta's Beanie Babies. Here they are having a candlelight dinner on the little table and chairs that Bestefar built for Olivia.

Next we went to North Bend and picked blueberries! They were right next to Mt. Si.

When Olivia tasted her first blueberry she said, "Oh, these are soooo good!"
What a fun treat! I think she got more in her mouth than in her pail! ( :

These blueberries are raised with no fertilizer and no water. All natural.
They are scrumptious!

What a picture! Yum!

Snoqualmie Falls was our next stop!
They were rushing, rumbling, tumbling for August!!

Next we walked the tracks to the Snoqualmie Railroad Museum.

We took a ride on the old train!

Then we had a hot dog at Snoqualmie Days and ate by the river before walking back to the car.

Right next to the car were many bushes with wild blackberries.
Besta picked several handfuls for Olivia to eat. She said they were even better than the blueberries! Our lucky day!

On our way home we stopped at the golf course for a picture. Too bad it wasn't one week later and Jason could have been here for the Boeing Classic Golf Tournament! He would love it!

The park is close to our house and we went at least once a day. Olivia would have been happy to campout there. She spent so much time on the monkey bars that she got a blister on her hand.

Olivia mastered pumping "really high!"

But the sad time came that we had to head to SeaTac Airport.
It was a wonderful week for us.
We miss you Jason & Olivia!
Thank you for coming to WA!
Love, Besta and Bestefar