Jim and Bonny

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Denny Creek Hike at Snoqualmie Pass on June 12, 2010

Jim and I headed up the trail as it rolls north under the high viaduct that carries I-90 traffic west. The trail crosses a creek and then winds through the forested valley before re-crossing the creek a the base of the waterslide.

Previous to the flood a year ago, this pile of dirt and trees that has re-routed the creek, was not here, nor were the rocks in the foreground. It was one smooth granite slab called the waterslide. The bridge used to cross the creek was also washed away and now we walked across on rocks and logs. The ranger said there was no plan to replace the bridge at this time as there is not enough funding for trail maintenance. I wonder what will happen to all of our beautiful trails? So sad!

After crossing the creek we moved up the trail just above the waterslide. As we looked up the mountain peaks were high above us.

The wildflowers were just beginning to bloom.

Looking up from the rocky trail we saw tall pines high above us.

The forest was a lush green from all the rain! And not many days ago the forest floor was covered with snow.
The trail to the falls was a rocky climb

This small stairstep falls, Keekwulee Falls, was rushing with the spring run off water and a beautiful sight. We sat here and ate our lunch. What could be better!?!

We headed back down the rocky trail and crossed the creek at the waterslide. By now the sun had melted more mountain snow and the the water covered the rocks we crossed on, so we got wet feet!

Another beautiful hike and more memories!