Jim and Bonny

Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas Break 2009 continues!

And then we worked on the puzzle! ( :
It got harder instead of easier.

We drove to Mystic, CT via the scenic route. It was a picturesque drive and then we went to Mystic Pizza per Jaki's request. The movie "Mystic Pizza" was filmed here.

We discovered the best pizza we have ever eaten!
Highly recommend it!

We returned to Guilford and had dessert at Ashley's Ice Cream!
Coconut ice cream with dark hot chocolate is the best! Yumm!!

The next day Jodi, Jaki and I went to see the movie "New Moon". While we were gone Larry took the kids hiking on the Plank Walk. The snow was all but gone and the weather was nice.

When they got to the trail there was ICE everywhere. The kids had fun walking on the "clear" ice and looking to see what they could find frozen underneath.

New Years Eve Day we woke up to a gorgeous snowfall!

The temperature was mild so we decided to go outdoors to "play in the snow" and have a snowball fight! A tree house makes a good fort in the winter! The dogs loved it!

Jodi, Jaki
Montana, Bandit
The trees were covered with snow!

The snow kept falling!

So we headed down the street to the Plank Walk.

Jeremy had his hikes with so he was our leader.

This is the same area that had the ice the previous day. Do you believe it??? It was treacherous walking but the scenery was awesome!

The Plank Walk covered with snow!
All of you who have been here will appreciate this picture. ( :

Winter Wonderland!!

The Backi

We returned home for hot chocolate and to finish the puzzle. And there really was one piece missing!
Do you believe it!!??!!!
Thank you for your wonderful hospitality Jodi & Larry!!
It was a great Christmas!
We miss all of you!
Granny & Pa