Jim and Bonny

Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30, 2010 in Snoqualmie

Today is cloudy, dark, gray and rainy! Imagine that!!??!!
But the beauty persists, just in a differnt form. We feel so blessed to live in these surroundings.
As you can tell the weather doesn't stop the golfers!

Mt. Si has very little snow.The mountain top has been bare most of the winter. We have had no snow this year. It is 50 degrees and our heather is blooming! In Mt. Vernon there is fear for the tulip crop because they are already coming up and a frost will devestate them. Then a few hours north of Mt. Vernon they are praying for more snow for the Olympics. Crazy weather!

Monday, January 18, 2010

December in Connecticut

20 inches of snow covered the boulders in Jodi & Larry's front yard shortly after I arrived.
This view from the family room window was awesome!
The tree house sat quietly in the snow..... at least until Pa arrived and started a snowball fight!!

The bright red cardinal perched in a tree in the backyard!
(click on this picture and you will see him well!)

Jaki, Jeff and Jeremy drove in from Chicago. One day we took a drive to Hammonasset Beach.
It was covered with snow and beautiful but COLD!!

Back on Denison Drive we all spent many hours working on a 1000 piece puzzle. The pieces were small and the magnifying glass was helpful!
We also played games, watched football and movies by the fire, did crafts, learned to make potholders and knit, did homework, read, ate, hiked and played in the snow!

We worked into the wee hours every night!

One day we went to eat hamburgers at Louis Lunch on Jeff's recommendation. He had seen it on the Travel Channel. On a street near Yale we found this restaurant that was about 20 ft. square, including kitchen and eating area. It had one table and was packed with people. They still cook hamburgers on the original grills. The story goes like this........One day in the year 1900 a man dashed into a small New Haven luncheonette and asked for a quick meal that he could eat on the run. Louis Lassen, the establishments owner hurriedly sandwiched a broiled beef patty between two slices of bread and sent the customer on his way with America's first hamburger.
Cheese, tomatoes and onion are the only acceptable garnish.......no true connoisseur would consider corrupting the classic taste with mustard or ketchup.
Today Louis' great grandson, Jeff, carries on the family tradition.

Root beer was served in bottles. No Coke allowed!
The hamburgers were excellent!
Great experience!

Then we took a walk around the Yale Campus. It was bitter cold and windy, but the old buildings were very picturesque in the snow. The first building of Yale College was errected near this spot in 1718!

Nathan Hale's dorm room was in this dorm.

Then we went to Hammonasset Beach with Pa. It was different to be on the beach in the snow!
The sky was clear and we could see Long Island across the sound.

The scenery was gorgeous!

The sun was setting on the Faulkner Island Light House!

December 24, 2009
We all attended Larry & Jodi's church, St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Old Saybrook on Christmas Eve.

Jaki, Jeff & Jeremy

Jodi, Larry
Christen & Connor

Granny & Pa
Christen, Connor & Jeremy
We were all missing Olivia and Gavin! ) :
Jodi, Larry, Jeff, Jaki
Connor, Granny, Jeremy, Pa, Christen

We had our traditional Danish Medistepolse for dinner. Larry made it with Grandpa Art's recipe. We had Rice Pudding with an almond for dessert. The person with the nut gets a prize. Then we danced around the Christmas tree and opened gifts!!
On Christmas Day we had Aebleskiver. Yum!!

Montana and Bandit had a good time also!
December 26, 2009
Today was our 44th wedding anniversary. Larry and Jodi took us to dinner at one of the oldest continuously operated inns in the country, The Griswold Inn. Nestled on the banks of the Connecticut River in Essex, CT, it opened its doors for business in 1776. It is an inn with the most extraordinary atmosphere in the nation. Indeed it is doubtful if another inn can go so far back in the country's history. There is no other place to compare with its atmosphere, in hospitality and the excellence of its cusine. The Christmas feast menu included bison, venison, rabbit and moose. During the course of our meal, Christmas carolers took our requests and sang at our table. Awesome! The kids were so well behaved! Unfortunately, we had no camera to record the event! ) :
Now for a bit of history..........The largest naval disaster on United States soil occured in Essex, CT in 1814. 28 ships were burned and sunk in the Connecticut River. The British commander barged into the local inn demanding a "hunt breakfast" be put together to feed his victorious troops. Minus the ship burning, the traditon of hunt breakfasts still continue on this site. Every Sunday the Griswold Inn serves a tradtiional hunt breakfast with venison, turnips, standing ribs and yorkshire pudding, within the walls that saw that first event.
What a special place.......thank you for the special memories, Larry & Jodi!!
Love, Mom & Dad

Our Day in New York City

Christen & Jeremy in Grand Central Terminal. Woops! This is the New Haven Train Station.
We went from here to Grand Central which is the largest train station in the world according to number of platforms. The terminal covers 48 acres.

The Berggren's with the Statue of Liberty in the background. We didn't have time to take the ferry out to the statue.....fortunately, as you can see the lines were miles long.

Jim & Bonny at Battery Park.......the Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island in the New York Harbor in the background. It welcomes visitors, immigrants and returning Americans traveling by ship. It was a gift from France representing the friendship between the two countries established during the American Revolution. It was dedicated on October 28, 1886.

Next we walked to Ground Zero

The World Trade Center's 7 buildings were destroyed in 2001 in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The site is currently being rebuilt with 6 new skyscrapers and a memorial to casualties of the Al-Qaeda attack.

We walked down Broadway and saw the sights!
The Christmas windows, FAO Schwarz, Carnegie Hall, Radio City Music Hall, Good Morning America Window, M&M Store, Hershey Store, the famous Coke sign, etc. etc. etc!!

Trump Tower on the left............there were a few other people there with us! ( :
The weather was awesome! 50 and sunny!

Times Square with its dazzling lights and bustling energy is known for its many Broadway theatres, cinemas and supersigns. It makes NYC a city that never sleeps.

Times Square

The decorations at Rockefeller Center were amazing!
The Rockefeller Center is a complex of 19 commercial buildings covering 22 acres. Built by the Rockefeller family, it is located in the center of Midtown Manhattan.

Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center. It is a real tree. After Christmas it is sawed into lumber to make a home for Habitat for Humanity!
(be sure to click on this picture to enlarge it)

Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center.
The skating rink is next to it.

Christmas Break 2009 continues!

And then we worked on the puzzle! ( :
It got harder instead of easier.

We drove to Mystic, CT via the scenic route. It was a picturesque drive and then we went to Mystic Pizza per Jaki's request. The movie "Mystic Pizza" was filmed here.

We discovered the best pizza we have ever eaten!
Highly recommend it!

We returned to Guilford and had dessert at Ashley's Ice Cream!
Coconut ice cream with dark hot chocolate is the best! Yumm!!

The next day Jodi, Jaki and I went to see the movie "New Moon". While we were gone Larry took the kids hiking on the Plank Walk. The snow was all but gone and the weather was nice.

When they got to the trail there was ICE everywhere. The kids had fun walking on the "clear" ice and looking to see what they could find frozen underneath.

New Years Eve Day we woke up to a gorgeous snowfall!

The temperature was mild so we decided to go outdoors to "play in the snow" and have a snowball fight! A tree house makes a good fort in the winter! The dogs loved it!

Jodi, Jaki
Montana, Bandit
The trees were covered with snow!

The snow kept falling!

So we headed down the street to the Plank Walk.

Jeremy had his hikes with so he was our leader.

This is the same area that had the ice the previous day. Do you believe it??? It was treacherous walking but the scenery was awesome!

The Plank Walk covered with snow!
All of you who have been here will appreciate this picture. ( :

Winter Wonderland!!

The Backi

We returned home for hot chocolate and to finish the puzzle. And there really was one piece missing!
Do you believe it!!??!!!
Thank you for your wonderful hospitality Jodi & Larry!!
It was a great Christmas!
We miss all of you!
Granny & Pa