Thimble Islands in Guilford
There are 30 islands. People have homes on these islands, most with no water or power. The go out there by water taxi and spend the day. What a neat place!
It is just gorgeous our here. When the cruise is running it goes 1 mile out around the light house. We must go back!!
Interesting Hardware store!
I found this one interesting!! ( : Now I know why the Backes home is blue with a burgundy colored door. The while house across the street from them has a bright yellow door.
For some reason I don't have a photo of Cox School where C & C attend. It is probably because I was so interested in this story that I forgot to take one. As we drove to the school we were on "Three Mile Course" and then turned onto "Dunk Rock" road. It got its name from the days of witchcraft. They would tie a rock to the witch and if she sunk she was not a witch and if she floated she was a witch. Hence the name Dunk Rock. I love that story!
A gorgeous drive!
Beware if you get car sick!! ( :
So we had to read the story of the Dogwood!
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