Jim and Bonny

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jasper is 1 month old! ~ September 21, 2013

 Getting so big!!
 Jasper has a new origianl sock monkey.  His name is Jayden and he is friends with Jeremy's sock monkey Jackson!  So now we have Jeff, Jaki, Jeremy, Jasper, Jackson and Jayden!!  That is quite a mouthful of "J's"!
Jasper and Jayden are resting on Jasper's sock monkey quilt!
How fun!!

Monday, September 09, 2013

August 21, 2013 ~ Jasper James Berggren arrived!

 We are excited to announce the arrival of Grandchild #6!!
Jasper James Berggren
6# 14oz.
19 1/2 inches
August 21, 2013 (just one day before his Daddy's birthday)
Proud family...Jeff, Jasper, Jaki and Big Brother Jeremy! 
 Jasper loves to sleep with his hands over his ears....and such a content baby!!
 Little fingers holding Mommy's finger!
 He looks so big until you see him next to Pa's hand!
 Jasper seems to be loving his Dr. Seuss room decorated by his Mommy!
 Jasper's Sock Monkey quilt made by Granny matches his room also...
And his Lorax quilt made by his Mommy has made quite a hit also.
We are so blessed to have a happy, healthy baby boy!
You are precious Jasper!!
Love, Granny & Pa