Jim and Bonny

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More News from IN! June 17,2012

This big toothless smile came just in time for Father's Day!!
Olivia...you are beautiful with 4 missing teeth on top at once!  What a special smile!
Call me so I can hear you speak! ( :
Love, Besta

Thursday, June 14, 2012

News from CT ~ June 14, 2012

 Medevil Days at Connor's school!

 Connor at the piano...
 Connor and classmates on their trombones...

The BEST news today is that Connor found out that he made both Honors Band and Jazz Band for his 7th Grade Class at Adams Middle School next year!  Way to go Connor!  We are so proud of you!
Granny & Pa

"We are so excited for Connor!  He's only just starting to experience what music gives back to him with this amazing talent that's being developed.  His trombone will open doors for friendships and opportunities that are unimaginable!"
Uncle Jason

 Christen and her Girl Scout Troop have had a busy Spring....first selling GS Cookies...
 Then they filmed a commercial to earn their Bronze Award...

Then a week end camp out at Pattagansett Program Center!
It looks like a busy and FUN time in CT! 

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Happy 93rd Birthday Dad!! Sandstone, MN ~ June 6, 2012

Thinking of you are your birthday!  Also, 68 years ago today you were on the ground in South England, wondering what was going on and not knowing.  You  thought it was something big.  You  didn't know it was the end of the war for 2 more weeks.  Amazing!  (no emails then)  Thank you for your service to our country.  We all love hearing your WW II stories!
Have a great birthday!
Love, Bonny & Jim

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Happy 37th Birthday Jaki! June 4, 2012 ~ Huntley, IL

 Hoh Rain Forest
The Rhody's are out in WA!
We are so happy we could celebrate with you!
Love you!  Mom & Dad

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Jeremy!! June 2, 2012

Happy Birthday to our favorite 8 year old Grandson!  We are thinking about you and hoping that you have a great Birthday Party today!
Love You!
Granny & Pa