Jim and Bonny

Sunday, June 26, 2011

New Pictures Arrived from Indiana! ( :

Sir Gavin Arthur turns 3!

What a handsome boy!!

And Miss Olivia finished pre-school and will be on to Kindergarten in the fall! What a little beauty!

Thank you for the precious photos!

Love, Besta and Bestefar

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Happy May/June Birthdays!!!

Happy 90th Birthday Mom! May 20, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday Jeremy... June 2, 2011

Happy 36th Birthday Jaki...June 4, 2011

Happy 92nd Birthday Dad...June 6, 2011

Jaki and Jeremy came for a visit while I was in Minnesota. It was a great time for a joint party! Happy Birthday to all of you!

Love, Granny/Mom/Bonny