Jim and Bonny

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tulips in Mt. Vernon - April 2011

We went to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival and started out at RoozenGaarde. It is a beautiful 3+ acre display garden planted with over 1/4 million bulbs and featuring an authentic Dutch windmill!

Jim's boss told him to have fun tiptoeing thru the tulips but as you can see by the sign that wasn't a possibility!!

The gardens were not at their peak but some of the tulips were in full bloom.

Many were just starting to bloom.

There were many Kodak moments. Some people got a little carried away, laying on the ground, in the rain, to get the perfect shot! ( :

I found my perfect shot standing on my feet! ( :

Tulips with a river of hyacinth between the rows.

It was a good day for close-up photography!

The raindrops on the tulips were picturesque!

The daffodils bloom earlier than the tulips so they were at their peak!

But the water was standing between the rows of flowers.

Mt. Baker is hiding behind the clouds!

On the grounds at RoozenGaarde

Yellow daffodil field in the background.

Since there wasn't a lot of traffic we stopped on the road by the No Parking sign to view the tulips fields. The fields were so wet that they were not accessible by foot. We figured it was safe to park here since our name was on the sign! ( :

The tulips were only partially open as you can see here. In the background there is standing water. The cool, wet spring has caused a delay in the blooming. Obviously the bloom date is chosen by Mother Nature.

More fields ready to bloom.....very disappointing!

This is how the fields looked last year at this time! Seas of color!

And tulips in full bloom...they say they may bloom all the way through Mother's Day this year because we are having the coldest April on record.

It was still an enjoyable day and we will try again next year!!

Easter in Illinois! April 2011

It looks like a sunny day in IL and Jeremy is ready for church!!

What a handsome lad!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter in Indiana! April 2011

It looks like it was a rainy Easter in Indianapolis...I surely hope the Easter bunny made it!!

Does anyone else have Grandchildren that are this precious!!!??? ( :

Thursday, April 14, 2011

In Memory of Bruce - April 14, 2011

Bruce P. Christensen

May 19, 1947 - April 14, 2010

"When God takes a loved one away from us, He leaves the best part in our hearts."

Bruce loved to make us laugh!!

What wonderful memories!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 2011

It looks like Spring has come to the Plank Walk in Guilford, CT.

We miss you Connor!
I am happy to see that you took Flat Stanley to the Plank Walk also!

Love You!


April 2011

It also looks like Spring on the soccer field in CT!

Christen is back to playing soccer!

Go Dark Green!

Miss you!

Love, Granny

April 2011

It looks like Spring or maybe Summer... has arrived in Huntley!

We miss you Jeremy!

Love, Granny

April 2011

Our little charmer.....Gavin is all ready for church!

We miss you!

Love, Besta

Thursday, April 07, 2011

We miss you Olivia!

What GREAT artwork!

Love it!


Saturday, April 02, 2011

Snoqualmie - April 2, 2011

After a week of rain on the snow in the mountains the Snoqualmie River is out of its banks and headed for the falls!

At the top of the falls we could stay dry! The rumbling, tumbling falls were awesome! The mist was soaking and raincoats were essential!
If you campare the falls to the Flat Stanley post below you can see what a difference a week can make.

The clouds were hanging low over Mt. Si, a fresh layer of snow came down to 2000 feet and the water was out of its banks. A fantastic winter scene!

We stopped at the park in Snoqualmie to see the river. Earlier this week the entire park was under water. The raging river washes away the bank.

This is the same spot, same stump... last August when Jason and Olivia were here. Wow!!

Same stump today!

There were clumps of snow floating on the river so the water is mighty cold!!

Back home in our back yard the Heather is blooming!

In the front yard the cherry blossoms are out!

So far today we have had intermittent dark clouds, white clouds, rain, hail, sunshine, blue sky, rainbows and now fog. Crazy weather! I love it!!