Jim and Bonny

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bethlehem Lutheran Church - Askov, MN - May 24, 2010

Heaven has welcomed a very special person. As we remember Christian Dixen Christensen, our father, father-in-law, grandfather and great grandfather, we have a feeling there is one more star up in the sky. And even though it's far away, its brightness and warmth still reach us here to make the night a little less dark.
Chris farmed his entire life. The red Farmall tractor that he owned for many years stood proudly in front of the church on the day of his funeral. It brought back many memories for family. Jim remembers spending many hours in this tractor seat, baling thousands of hay bales. The plan was for this tractor to lead the funeral procession to the cemetery, but it decided not to start. So it stayed there and waited for our return.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.
Psalm 23:4
When Grandma Dorothy passed on, 14 years ago, Chris put this stained glass window with the 23rd Psalm in Bethlehem Lutheran Church in her honor. It will now be a wonderful memory of both Chris and Dorothy when we worship there. What a beautiful window!
Christian Christensen, son of Randy and Rosie Christensen, was soloist. I am sure Chris would have been proud of his namesake.

From left to right, in order of birth, are the children of Chris and Dorothy...... Larry, Jim, Bruce, Steve, Randy and Dorene.

We were lucky that Jaki and Jason were able to attend the funeral. Jodi felt very left out in CT, as did Dawn in MT. At this difficult time it was also a nice time for reunion of family. Jaki from IL, Jason from IN, joined many cousins from many states......11 in all were represented. Jalainna from WY, Lynnea from MN, Lindsey and Kevin from MN, Heather and Kyle from VA and Angela and Christian from TN. Chris had children from WA, ID, TX, WI and MN all present. Also, some of their cousins from SD and MN.

We want to thank you all for your thoughtfulness. Your kind expression of sympathy and friendship will always remain in our memories.
Jim & Bonny

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In Loving Memory of Dad

Christian Dixen Christensen
June 6, 1922 - May 18, 2010

Chris age 16!
Skating on the creek east of the farm in Askov where he was born.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mother's Day - May 9, 2010

I returned from MN on May 8th and we decided to take a drive up Mt. Rainier to Paradise Inn. That is as far as you can go in the winter as the rest of the roads are closed and we hope they will be open by July 4th! Really!!
This picture was taken from inside the new Visitor's Center.

The mountain was dressed in a new, clean, white coat of snow and was awesome! We have never seen this much snow on the mountain in the 5 years we have lived here. What a gorgeous drive!

April 10, 2010

Today we took a drive up to Snoqualmie Pass. The back roads were still blocked with snow so we stayed on the main roads. It was a gorgeous, sunny day.

Dad enjoyed the slopes that still had skiers in April!

We drove back home along the Middle Fork. The river was green with glacier water.

On April 14, 2010 we got the sad call that my brother Bruce had passed during the night.
On our way to the airport we stopped at Snoqualmie Falls. They were rumbling with their usual splendor.

Dad took a picture of these same falls in 1991 when they took a bus trip to the Northwest to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. Now the falls are 2 miles from our home.
On July 26, 2010 Dad & Mom will celebrate their 69th Anniversary!!! Can any one of you beat that??!! ( :

Delta flew us safely back to Minnesota on April 16, 2010.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In Loving Memory of My Brother

Bruce Pedersen Christensen
May 19, 1947 - April 14, 2010
"When God takes a loved one away from us,
He leaves the best part in our hearts."