Jim and Bonny

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Snoqualmie - March 30, 2010

Today is almost the last day of March. I have recently been posting pictures of blue skies and blooming trees.
Today we have rain, snow in the mountains and gray skies. Isn't this backwards!?
Mt. Si looks as if it is wearing a hat with its cap of white snow on top and green pine trees at the bottom.
Actually, it is very picturesque!

I had to run an errand so I took a bypass on Mill Pond Road. The pond is up to the edge of the road with this weeks rain. The blackberry bushes are loaded with green leaves.

The clouds are swirling around the mountains and the snow has stopped for now.

Next I decided to stop at the falls. The azaleas were in full bloom!
This winter they put in a new entrance to Snoqualmie Falls that is wheelchair accessible. There are neat adjectives describing the falls on each step leaving the falls.

The falls were tumbling, rumbling and crashing!
Roaring, pouring and plunging!
Gushing, rushing and sparkling!
Twirling, swirling and whirling!

But not rushing at the usual rate that early spring brings.
The logs that we saw come over the top of the falls during heavy rains last October are still wedged at the top of the falls. Amazing! I imagine they will stay there until the next big flood.....or longer.

I stopped at the golf course.....the angry skies are keeping the golfers away today.

I headed home and alas!! A peek of blue sky.....there is hope for the rain to cease!
Happy Easter to all!!
Bonny & Jim

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010 in Snoqualmie

It is 68 degrees and sunny so I decided to take a few pictures of the blooming trees on the parkway!
Breathtaking with the snow capped mountains in the background!

The clumps of white blossoms look like marshmallows!!

White flowers! Blue skies!

But never fear! Even in the beautiful NW we have the dreaded dandelion lifting their bright yellow heads!!
And of course the rain is expected to return tomorrow~~~~~~
so we take advantage of these sunny days!!