Jim and Bonny

Monday, June 29, 2009

Celebration of Dad's 90th Birthday - June 6, 2009

06-06-1919 06-06-2009

Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Askov, MN

Dad was baptised here on August 31, 1919

Coffe and cake at church!

Pastor Shane, Bonny, Art, Bruce

Art and Joy, Delpha's sister...

Shirley & Josephine busy writing for the memory book!

Paul, Bruce, Ina, Carole

Art, Delpha with Godson Mark Johnson

We were so excited to have Janet Johnson Hersch, Karen and Mark come for the day. Our families have great memories form their years in Askov. Myron was the school principle.
Art and Delpha did some traveling with Janet and Myron after they retired and the memories continued. We had a great afternoon reminiscing and laughing!! What a special day this was!

Janet and Karen
Janet was Jim's second grade teacher and I babysat Karen when she was 2 years old. I have not seen her since I was in high school. She is a Home Ec teacher with grown children. How fun!!

Art, Delpha, Bruce & Bonny

4 Generations

Jim's Dad was 87 on June 6th also. Chris and Art share a birthday as well as the Christensen name. ( :
Chris Christensen
James Christensen
Jason James Christensen
Gavin Arthur Christensen
Jason, Julie, Olivia & Gavin with Grandpa Chris
Jason and family flew in for the week end from Indiana

Grandpa Chris with Jim and his Grandkids Jodi, Jaki & Jason
Jim flew in for the week end from Snoqualmie, WA

Jodi & Grandpa Chris
Jodi flew in for the week end from Guilford, Connecticut

Jaki & Grandpa Chris
Jaki and Jeremy flew in for the week end from Huntley, IL

Olivia and Jeremy had great fun playing with the puppies at Uncle Randy and Aunt Rosie's house! The chocolate labs were adorable!

And sooo soft!

Olivia could hold them like a baby!

Big hug!!

Bestefar & Gavin

4 Generations again!

Arthur Christensen
Bonny Christensen Christensen
Jason Christensen
Gavin Arthur Christensen
Arthur Christensen with his namesake.....Gavin Arthur Christensen

Arthur, Olivia and Gavin

Delpha, Bonny, Jeremy
(I wonder who I will look like in a few years!)

Art & Delpha with their 5 grandchildren!
Micky isn't present but there in spirit!!

Micky & Chad
Chad drove in for the week from Helena, MT
Micky is in Glacier National Park working at Two Medicine for the summer.
Jason & family with Grandpa & Grandma

Bruce, Ina and Chad with Grandpa and Grandma

Grandpa Art & Chad

Jim, Bonny, Jodi, Jaki & Jason with Grandpa & Grandma

Jaki & Jeremy with Grandpa & Grandma

Dorla, Jo, Rita & Shirley
When Jeremy saw these same faces in church he said, "Mommy, there are the ladies that were at the party!" ( :
We really appreciated your presence at out party!! You ladies are the best!!

Cousins.....Peggy, Betty, Bonny, Pam
Olivia almost made the photo! ( :

Julie, Jim, Shirley

Jodi & Grandpa Art
Jodi spent many hours making a Memory Book for Grandpa!
It is awesome! Thanks to all of you who wrote down your memories for the book.
Thanks for your help Jaki and also Jason for writing and singing a song to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music. It was titled "My Favorite Things about Grandpa Art". It was great!
Dad is extremely appreciative of all of your hard work and enjoying the book every day.
Jodi with her Godparents Bruce & Ina

Since Connor and Christen were still in school and unable to make the trip it gave Aunt Jodi more opportunity to play with her niece and nephews! What fun!

Gavin Arthur -13 months
Photo by Jodi

A day at the lake with Bruce & Joyce

Jim with his brothers Larry & Bruce

Joyce, Patty & Bonny

Jodi & Joyce

Grandpa Art enjoying a glass of tea by the lake!
What a gorgeous day!

Now for some fun in Uncle Bruce's boat!
Marshall, Lindsey, Cade & McKayla
Jaki, Jeremy & Jodi
Going fast......it is windy!
Cade & McKayla on are on the raft behind the boat. Before the ride was over McKayla, age 5, was flipped into the middle of the lake. It didn't seem to bother her for a minute! You can tell she has done that before. ( :

Aunt Jodi and Jeremy

McKayla, Cade & Jeremy

Steve & Jean, friends from St. Cloud, came to spend the day. They moved to GA in 1975 when we moved and we became best friends. 34 years later we still have fun getting together and laughing a the same old stories. Our kids know we are crazy! What fun!!

An instant friend!!
We all went to Randy and Rosie's house for the afternoon. It was our first chance to see Randy & Rosie and also time to play with the puppies.

Puppies, puppies everywhere!

That Aunt Jodi really gets the pictures!!

I had a chance to visit with old classmates from high school.
Bonny, Carole, Arla
How fun to renew acquaintances every time I go to MN!! We grew up in the same school for 12 years. It makes me sad that our kids will not have the opportunity to experience these early childhood relationships that last a life time.
It truely is something to treasure!
Arla's dad, Red, was my Dad's best friend his entire life time. There are pictures of them in the memory book from high school and through the years. Amazing!
So life goes on.......and Pastor Shane will move on to his next church in Iowa in July.
Thanks for all you have done for us Pastor Shane!
You will be missed!!
After 2 great weeks in Minnesota I headed off into the wild blue yonder!
Thanks to all of you for making Dad's 90th birthday a memorable time for him.
Love, Bonny