Jim and Bonny

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Jasper on October 8, 2013

That first smile is priceless!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jasper is 1 month old! ~ September 21, 2013

 Getting so big!!
 Jasper has a new origianl sock monkey.  His name is Jayden and he is friends with Jeremy's sock monkey Jackson!  So now we have Jeff, Jaki, Jeremy, Jasper, Jackson and Jayden!!  That is quite a mouthful of "J's"!
Jasper and Jayden are resting on Jasper's sock monkey quilt!
How fun!!

Monday, September 09, 2013

August 21, 2013 ~ Jasper James Berggren arrived!

 We are excited to announce the arrival of Grandchild #6!!
Jasper James Berggren
6# 14oz.
19 1/2 inches
August 21, 2013 (just one day before his Daddy's birthday)
Proud family...Jeff, Jasper, Jaki and Big Brother Jeremy! 
 Jasper loves to sleep with his hands over his ears....and such a content baby!!
 Little fingers holding Mommy's finger!
 He looks so big until you see him next to Pa's hand!
 Jasper seems to be loving his Dr. Seuss room decorated by his Mommy!
 Jasper's Sock Monkey quilt made by Granny matches his room also...
And his Lorax quilt made by his Mommy has made quite a hit also.
We are so blessed to have a happy, healthy baby boy!
You are precious Jasper!!
Love, Granny & Pa

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Stepping Up Ceremony ~ Guilford,CT ~ June 26, 2013

 This has been an exceptional year for Christen!  All of her hard work has paid off...and today she received the Abraham Baldwin Middle School Award.
Introduction given by the Principal Mrs. Anne Snurkowski...
"We have some very talented students here at Baldwin.  Many of these children have been blessed with great intellectual capabilities and work hard in pursuit of academic excellence.  We also have gifted artists and musicians and talented athletes. The Abraham Baldwin Award acknowledges and celebrates the attributes of some of our students that are very different from those I have already mentioned.  I must say that the staff of Baldwin School feel that the qualities these students possess, will most certainly assure their place as the future leaders of our nation, people who will do great things as citizens of the world.  The Abraham Baldwin Award is given to  a boy and girl on each team in the sixth grade who exhibits the following characteristics:
*Demonstrating respect and understanding for all individuals
*Kindness and caring toward others
*An acceptance of the differences in people
*The ability to put their needs second to those of others
* A commitment to the good of their class/team or whole school community through actions, which support our school efforts"
 Christen also received an award for academic Excellence in all of her subjects.
 Mrs, Skelly, Christen's teacher, presenting her award.
 Along with the award comes a certificate and a jeweler's watch!
 The Abraham Baldwin Award is given to a boy and a girl on each team in the sixth grade.
 Proud brother!
 Connor and Christen
 Christen with Mrs. Skelly
Christen and classmate Meredith with Mrs. Fonicello...Band teacher.
She helped Christen decide on playing the french horn.

Christen with Mrs.Snurkowski - Principal
Christen with Mr. Ross - Dean of Students
And also to Mom and Dad!
We are soooo proud of all of you!
Love from Granny and Pa!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Congratulations C & C! June 19, 2013

 We are so excited to hear that you made "Honor's Band" for the next school year (7th grade) Christen!
Way to go!
And Congrats to you also Connor for making "Honors Band" and "Jazz Band" for 8th Grade!
Way to go!
We are proud of both of you.  I know you will both have fun in band next year.
Love, Granny & Pa

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Spirit of Girl Scouting Award ~ Guilford, CT ~ June 2013

 Today we got word that Christen received the "Spirit of Girl Scouting Award".  She received this award out of 26 Girl Scout Troops in Guilford, CT,  for living the Girl Scout Promise and Law!
Christen, we are so proud of you!
 Christen carried the American Flag in the Memorial Day Parade.

 Christen works very hard, and so does her her mother.  Jodi is an assistant GS leader and also earned a Helping Hands award!  She is always present with her camera also.  ( :
Christen and Jodi also volunteer at High Hopes Therapeutic Riding.  High Hopes is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the benefits of horseback riding and other equine related activities to individuals with special needs.
With over 250 special needs participants each week, High Hopes relies on over 600 volunteers to support all aspects of the program including working directly with the special needs riders in  the arena as horse leader and sidewalkers, supporting their summer camp program and taking care of the facility. 
As a dedicated and responsible and reliable volunteer Christen has contributed 112 hours of volunteer work from March 2012 to present. "Christen's patience and maturity are exemplary and she has expressed that this experience has helped her to form personal goals."
Again, we are soooo proud of both of you....Jodi & Christen!

 Christen's support as a sidewalker and coach is instrumental in providing a sensory rich experience for these children, many who have diagnoses on the autism spectrum.
 Caring for the horses and stables, working as a barn assistant!
High Hopes where horses are therapeutic magic....
When not volunteering Christen always finds something fun to do!
She also visits her friend May every week.  May turned 101 this year and lives in her own home and enjoys Christen's visits!
In her spare time, Christen also volunteers with the Special Olympics, takes piano lessons,  plays the french horn, plays soccer, and keeps her A average in school.
Congratulations on you GS Award Christen!  And Jodi! We are proud of both of  you!
Keep up the good work!  I hope your Mom will continue to keep up with you Christen!   (:
Love you guys!
Granny & Pa

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Happy 94th Birthday Dad! ~ June 6, 2013

Happy 94th Birthday Dad!
Happy D-Day to my favorite WWII Veteran!
Love You!
Bonny & Jim